Beatriz Benedit-Owner 400RYT
Lewisburg Yoga

I fell in love with the practice of yoga and have followed my passion to bring it to our community. I have studied under many great teachers and have spent hundreds of hours studying different teachings and practices. My main goal is to share what I've learned with you, so that you can benefit as I have from a regular yoga practice. It's a journey of self awareness, involving practices that help achieve better quality of life. You'll feel better, and stronger than before. It's a practice of discipline that only works if you show up for it (that is the discipline!). I am here for you, as an encouragement, a support guide to help you grow in whatever manner you'd like. At Lewisburg Yoga Studio, you never feel intimidated because we let go of all judgments we practice acceptance of self and of others. It is a community safe space for all.